Meshwa Pandya
1 min readDec 27, 2020



The definition of the word success differs from person to person. The word success by Miriam-Webster is “favorable or desired outcome”. What comes to your mind when the word success pops up? Is it a certain amount of money?, or working at your dream job? or being able to roam around the world?, or making your parents proud?

In the end it all leads to your definition of happiness or satisfaction. We are all trying to be happy in our own ways, trying to do things which make us feel satisfied when we sleep at night. My definition of success is being able to do whatever makes you happy.

I have various things in my life which make me happy like being able to read, write and draw. But these are the things that I can already do. There are things like living in London or New York city, being able to give my parents and myself a lush life and having a badass job which I am currently not able to do.

I want to do well in school-why? to get into a good college- why? to get a job with a good package-why? to be able to achieve the beforementioned goals.

So I want you to think very hard, about the things that make you really happy in life. It will take time, but don’t give up, trust me it is amazing to know what you want in life and then chasing after it.



Meshwa Pandya

Just a teenager figuring out life and helping others do it too.